September 25, 2017

British Accreditation Council (BAC)
The BAC are responsible for setting standards within the independent further and higher education sector. Their accreditation is held by hundreds of colleges and training providers in the UK and overseas Ocean have been working with the BAC to help strengthen their brand identity through the design and implementation of a stronger, more consistent look and feel to all of their marketing and promotions material. Shown here is a selection of some of the work we have created and produced. Client: British Accreditation Council Website
Flagship corporate brochure
The brochure includes a set of infographics highlighting the BAC benefits. These were also produced as a stand-alone set of graphics which were used online and for social media.
We also created a folder with pocket which mirrors the corporate brochure.

A set of roller banners with content from the corporate brochure.

The BAC 'Fees' brochure highlighting the processes for accreditation, the different schemes on offer and details of each schemes fee.

BAC International English Language Provider Accreditation Scheme (IELP)
In March 2018 the BAC launched their new BAC International English Language Provider Accreditation Scheme to meet the global need for the delivery of high-quality English language education.
English language is currently used by 1.75 billion people worldwide – a quarter of the world’s population and that is set to grow to 2 billion by 2020.
This world-class scheme offers providers a unique opportunity to stand out in this increasingly growing and competitive market.
Ocean created a new look and feel for all marketing material including a new brochure, flyer, roller banner stands, advertising and dedicated pages on the BAC website.