June 25, 2017

The Small Business Charter (SBC)
The Small Business Charter (SBC) is an award for the UK’s world-class business schools. The SBC award celebrates business schools that play an effective role in supporting small businesses, local economies and student entrepreneurship. Ocean where chosen to help position the SBC as an influential initiative in supporting economic growth by connecting small business with business schools through a brand building exercise from the already established logo. The development of the identity and the production of a set of guidelines would show how the look and feel of the SBC brand would be applied coherently across on and offline collateral and platforms to provide a strong, unified and recognisable presence. Client: The Chartered Association of Business Schools Website www.smallbusinesscharter.org
Ocean’s solution was to develop a vibrant and engaging brand identity that would appeal to business schools and SME audiences. The use of bright colours and shapes help to create an image of the SBC as current, dynamic, and not purely academic.
Ocean also had to make sure that the parent brand (Chartered Association of Business Schools) sat well alongside the new SBC brand when ever possible.
A new responsive website was designed and developed with the help of mjdigital.co.uk who workded with our style sheets to bring the content to life.
Templates were created for roller banner stands, html newsletters, brochures, folders and the Twitter banner.
Ocean also created a set of brand guidelines so that the identity could be implemented inhouse.

"Steven has been great to work with on both a professional and personal level. He is approachable, friendly and knowledgeable. He is an experienced designer that can and will deliver your vision and go that extra mile. This is really what makes Steven stand out.
From a client perspective, you want a designer who listens to your ideas, takes the time to understand your goals and vision, someone who is knowledgeable and reliable and at the same time not afraid to push the boundaries, someone you can call on and someone who is willing to give you guidance or suggestions when needed. With Steven, you will get all that and more."
Sonika Dade
Communications and Digital Content Officer, Chartered Association of Business Schools