April 27, 2016

Wellbeing Escapes
A major player in the online luxury travel market, wellbeingescapes.co.uk is all about helping customers find the best health and lifestyle spa choices to suit their needs. Client: Wellbeing Escapes Website wellbeingescapes.co.uk
Luxury hard back book
The fourth edition of this beautiful 104 page, case bound book, designed to reinforce the Wellbeing brand and raise their profile. It was given to the company's most loyal customers as a 'thank you'.
As the previous editions, this too oozes indulgence, luxury but retains an essence of purity with the fresh, clean, clear approach. Each section opens with an enticing image in preparation for the delights ahead.
The Destinations section transports the reader to each stunning location with ravishing imagery, an irresistible resort description, a simply designed wellness approach key, at-a-glance facts, insider tips and Wellbeing’s own personal ‘we love’ message.
The book has also been designed to work hard for its money as it contains a wealth of information, quality advice and interviews with leading experts in a wide variety of spa and health treatments plus, a whole section on pre and post spa tips, all beautifully laid out. We like to think of it as a spa lovers bible.
It has high design and production values so that it would be something people would be happy to keep, share with friends or display on their coffee tables and book shelves.
“It’s worth buying the book for the images alone which allow you to escape without setting foot near an airport!”
Wellbeing Escapes

Previous editions of the book

Bi yearly e-magazine
This 28 page magazine is used as a marketing device to increase sales and also update loyal and potential new customers on latest resort and health news. It is designed as a digital publication and hosted on the www.issu.com
The same visual values of the books were applied to this publication.
Read the Autumn 2015 online magazine here
Read the Spring 2015 online magazine here

Property mini brochure
This mini brochure was a way of giving customers a visual 'inspiration' guide that complimented the book in its look and feel. It was a great cost effective give-away at events and helped generate more interest from a wider audience who may not have been on a spa/wellness break.

Gift vouchers
Gift vouchers designed to fit with the luxury brand values of the book, mini brochure and magazine.