Royal College of Midwives
January 9, 2020
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
January 9, 2020
The Association of Consulting Actuaries (ACA)
The Association of Consulting Actuaries (ACA) is the representative body for UK consulting actuaries and is the largest national grouping of consulting actuaries in the World. Client: ACA Website aca.org.uk Pension trends survey report Each year the Association commissions a report on pension trends and Ocean has designed and produced each one since 2015. The report has a wealth of information, facts and figures which are all brought to life through the creation of thoughtful table and chart design. Ocean adopted the use of bold colour and quirky illustration to help to give the report a distinctive look and feel and to also make them, what could be an extremely dry document, very accessible to the reader. Ocean also carried on this distinctive styling and applied it to their newsletter Placard and conference programme.
Pension trends survey report 2016

Pension trends survey report 2015

Annual newsletter to members

Mini programme for ACA conference held each year.